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Showing posts from October, 2012

Probable Question for Oct/Nov 2012

Disclaimer Notice First First of all, I would like to share something with you: I have tried to guess probable questions like this for four sessions with this one being the latest and in my past guess-works, what I have experienced is that most of the students blindly rely on them and prepare only on the topic areas listed here. And when the questions do not fall from the areas I have listed there they simply show aggression. One person wrote in my Facebook Group in a satirical manner that, “100% questions were asked from my predicted topics.” Now, read an article on another blog. Ms Adrienne de Souza writes how students get tricked by reading probable questions. She frankly says that her predictions have been wrong before , like mine! And I've always included "a note of warning/disclaimer" in each of the earlier predictions.

Opinions vs Facts in GP Essays

Students generally think that GP questions need a lot of factual data, statistical information, and so on. This is one major blunder they commit to unknowingly. While knowledge of various things obviously helps you, it’s not in the way you think. You think that you got good marks for writing data and facts. But in fact, if you have scored well, then you did so because you successfully proved your point or opinion! Confused? Read till the end and you’ll be clear about what I’m trying to say.

Writing a Thesis Statement

What is Thesis Statement? Thesis statement is a statement that conveys the ultimate message, intention or the main argument of your essay. In other words, thesis statement can summarize your whole essay within a single sentence. Your thesis statement will be enough for the examiners about which side or position you are taking in the discussion or debate. For example, in the question of “do you agree?” type, this statement will tell the reader whether you agree and to what extent.