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Showing posts from October, 2015

To what extent participating in online social networks improve our work and personal lives?

Note: This is not a complete GP essay, but will help you brainstorm to write one. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay First of all, it is important to understand that social networks are neutral - neither good nor bad - in themselves! So, whether they improve our work and personal lives is based upon how we use them. Thus, there are ways they can ruin or improve our lives. Personal lives Social networks help us connect with our friends, kin and relatives even when we don't have time to meet them physically, or even when they are located far away. Social media mediates our social relationships. We are updated about our near and dear ones on regular basis thus, our social bonds remain strong.

Is an ageing population necessarily a bad thing?

Source: Note: This article is just for brainstorming and getting ideas. It is not a proper GP essay! In developed nations, an increasing proportion of senior citizens in their population has been observed. This phenomenon is known as ageing population which poses significant challenges to their economy. While the working population does not experience growth in the same ratio with the working population, the burden of supporting larger number of elderly people lies on the smaller number of working people. In other words, government's expenditure on supporting elderly population including social security and medical care, takes up a sizable proportion of country's GDP. This affects the nation's expenditure on other sectors such as education, infrastructure development, and the like. However, whether ageing population is really a bad thing or not requires careful examination.

Can plastic use be completely replaced by biodegradable alternatives?

(Image Credit: Wikipedia) Note: This is not a complete essay but will help you brainstorm to write one! In this highly industrialized world, plastic has become a basic ingredient for most of the products. Even those which don't need plastic as core product, need plastic for packaging. There are many variants of plastic contributing to its innumerable uses in the modern manufacture sector. Plastic has succeeded to maintain its sheer dominance in the industrial sector because of it's outstanding qualities like: cheapness, durability, reliability, versatility, lightweight and so on.

Making a Strong College Essay: Important Tips

Writing college essays can be very scary and most high schoolers’ dread it with all their might. It’s natural to psyche yourself out over this; it could be days before you stop staring at your computer and actually start putting something down at least. Yes, we get that. Then again, you must know that You Can Do This and this is the one thing that you have total control over. Better start immediately, because writing, editing and proofreading one can take days on end to get it right, successfully.